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Know more about Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics

Orthodontics is the speciality of dentistry that helps to correct irregularly arranged teeth and abnormal jaw relationship ( skeletal deformity), thus paving way for a beautiful smile.

Who can benefit from it?

Orthodontic treatment can be done for the young and the adults. Age is not a barrier. The corrections are more precise and appealing, if the defects are identified in the early childhood by utilizing the growth period of the child. Adults (above 30years) may feel that their teeth are changing positions, may be due to an underlying gum disease.

Treatment: A wide variety of appliances ranging from early intervention appliances (functional appliances)for children in the growing period, esthetic or ceramic straight wire brackets for more appearance, Self ligating brackets for more controlled and precise delivery of forces, conventional straight wire brackets, clear aligners and lingual appliances are used to correct various deformities.

Our centre is equipped with all advanced techniques in Orthodontics

Dr.Susha Miriam Biju,MDS orthodontics, renders her services full time in the clinic.